In my refurbished Airstream,
I wear the same sustainable
bamboo jersey knit romper
whether I’m in vashistasana
or putting my succulents in hospice.
I have discourse hypersensitivity,
so I had to sign off and now
I rescue another cockatoo
anytime I need distraction.
As long as my breasts stay
like this, my lover will handle
all the documentary footage
of our tiny house lifestyle.
He’s poly-curious, but
I get it. Sometimes I miss carbs
and then I come back to my “why.”
If I had to be online all day,
I wouldn’t have time to spiral
all the zoodles my fans need
to thrive. Being a mom is hard,
I get that, so why have kids?
I think of my pioneer ancestors,
how they would have loved
a passive income stream,
hormonal birth control, the opportunity
to have met me. When I’m ready
for my nervous breakdown,
it will be on my terms; this is America,
where we livestream our freedom
to hurt and call it content.
Thank you to Doree and Kate for having me on the Here for You podcast for a tiny poetry reading of “Thrive” on yesterday’s episode!
You are welcome to share this poem by email with friends or post on social media as long as you credit Leigh Stein.